EEBO provides multiple pathways for refining your search and accessing materials.
1. Number of Results
How many times your keywords appear and in how many records.
2. Sort
The default order in which your results are displayed is in alphabetical order by author. Search results can be sorted in one of four ways:
3. Refine Search
If you are dissatisfied with your search, click this link to be taken back to the previous search page so you can edit your search strategy.
4. Marked List
To add all of the results citations on the page to the Marked List, click the link to add all records on this page. To remove all the results on the page from your mareked list, click the remove all records on this page link.
Each record also includes a checkbox (next to the record key) to enable you to add single records to the Marked List.
The background color of the result will change to indicate that the citation is now in the Marked List.
To remove an individual result citation from your Marked List, simply uncheck the box.
Items added to the Marked List will be kept there for the duration of your session. View the Marked List page in this guide to learn more about working with the records once they are in the Marked List.
5. Record Key
There will be icons next to each record representing the forms that the record is available in:
Record icon - clicking this icon will take you to the Full Record page.
Document Image icon - clicking this icon will take you to the Document Image page.
Illustration icon - clicking this icon will take you to the Illustrations page.
Full Text icon - clicking this icon will take you to the Full Text page.
Note: If the size of the full text is large (over 200Kb) then the Downloading full text screen is displayed. From here it is possible to access the Table of Contents for the volume from which the work is taken, to allow you to select a smaller portion of text to download.
Thumbnail icon - clicking this icon will take you to the Thumbnails page.
6. Hit Location
If your search has retrieved keyword hits, the Search Results display will also include a Context of Matches display. The section of the document that contains your search term will be listed (click this to go to the relevant section of the full text), followed by the line of context which contains the hit. Up to five instances of context are shown on the Search Results; if your search has retrieved more than five instances of the term, you can click the View all hits in this text link to go to the full Context of Matches display.