You can access the Marked List page in EEBO by selecting those particular records you wish to save, print, download or e-mail on the Search Results page. You do this by clicking the checkbox icon that accompanies each record and then clicking the Marked List link in the toolbar.
1. Print, Email, Download
From your Marked List, you can select to print, email, or download any or all of the records included in your list.
On the print, email, or download records page you will find the following options:
Enter Email Address - this option will appear on the Email Records page only and it is for the destination email address.
Enter Title - If you wish, you can type a title for your file here.
Enter Comment - If you wish, you can attach relevant comments or notes to your selections by entering them in this field.
Select Citation Format - Choose the citation format to print, email, or download. Format options are: Text (short record), Text (full record), EndNote, ProCite, Reference Manager, and RefWorks.
Select Email Format - this option will appear on the Email Records page only, and will allow you to choose whether to receive your emails in HTML format or Plain Text format by clicking the relevant radio button. Note that you should choose the HTML format option if you want durable URLs to be included in your emails.
Sort Records by - Choose an order in which to sort your records. Sort options are:
Unmark these items - To remove a record from your Marked List, click this checkbox.
When you have finished selecting your format, click the Print, Email, or Download button to print, email, or download your selections. Alternatively, on the Download Records page you can export your records directly to your citation management software by using the two direct export links.
2. Remove Records
You can clear individual records from your list by clicking the checkbox . Or you can remove the entire list of records by clicking the Remove All option.
3. Author Page
If you are also subscribed to Literature Online, you can access Author pages from Literature Online where these are available for authors in EEBO. Click the Author page in Literature Online link on the Marked List page and then the Literature Online Author page for that author will open in a new window, with EEBO remaining open in the original window.
4. Download Document Images
This allows you to download the entire document in PDF format. Please be aware that this can take a long time if you are on a slow internet connection.
You have two options on the Download Images page:
5. Save Notes
You can add a note about each record in your list by typing into the Notes text box and clicking the Save Notes icon. If you have entered text into a Notes text box and you haven't saved it, you will be prompted to do so before leaving the Marked List page.
Any text you have saved in the Notes: text box will be transferred to the Print, Email, Download Records page.