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Library Resources for Puget Sound Staff

Curriculum Resources: General

There are many resources available through the library that contain materials and information that can be used to develop curriculum materials for all grade levels.  Types of materials found in these resources are magazines for all reading levels, primary source documents, biographies, reference materials, images and photos, maps, flags, literary criticism, opposing viewpoints, film clips, and much more.

The library also has a collection of children's and young adult books.  Most of the children's fiction is shelved on the 4th floor in the PZ's.  However, to find juvenile non-fiction try a keyword search in the Primo for your topic and the phrase "juvenile literature."  For instance; juvenile literature and politics.

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Children & Young Adult Books

Collins Library has a growing collection of books for children and young adults.

The fiction collection is shelved on the 4th floor.  Look for call numbers beginning with PZ.

Nonfiction books are shelved by subject throughout the library.  To find nonfiction books for children do a keyword search in Primo Search using words that describe your topic, then using the filters to the right of your search results, choose "juvenile works" under the 'genre' facet or add the word "juvenile" as part of your keyword search.

Curriculum Resources: Literature

Curriculum Resources: Subject & Primary Sources