Collins Library offers several options for getting the research help you need!
Schedule a research consultation with a Collins liaison librarian.
You can find the liaison librarian for your course or subject area on our appointment page.
Best for: In-depth, customized assistance with any stage of the research process.
Work with a Library Peer Navigator.
Receive basic research help in a supportive, peer environment.
Consult the online research guides.
Best for: course- or subject-specific suggestions for research resources and strategies.
Chat with a librarian.
You can get help from a Collins librarian, generally from 8-5, Monday through Friday, when classes are in session. Outside of these hours, please send your questions to and a librarian will get back to you when they return to work.
Best for: Brief or general questions needing a quick response.
Email for help with using the collections of Archives & Special Collections at Collins Library.
Not sure who to contact? Email and your query will be directed to the most appropriate library staff member for a response. You also can stop by the library service desk on the first floor with your query, and receive help either right then, as appropriate, or receive a referral to another staff member who can best help you. Note that the service desk team cannot provide in-depth research consultations, but they will work with you to identify the most appropriate referral.