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History 343: Law, Society and Justice in China

Chinese Court Decisions

Like most nations, China has courts that decide (& help settle) disputes between parties. But few court decisions ever get translated into English. For an example of those that do get translated, see:

Chinese Laws and Regulations in English Translation

  • Congressional-Executive Commission on China guide to Chinese laws and regulations, with attention to specific regions and issues (not a complete list)

  • 1997 Criminal Law of the PRC (with links to subsequent amendments)

  • Updated website for Chinese laws and regulations from PRC government:


Chinese Viewpoints: News & Editorials

  • Chinese Laws and Regulations. This database contains links to the official English translations of major Chinese laws and regulations, including the Constitution.

  • The Peking Review / The Beijing ReviewThe Communist Party of the People's Republic of China began publication of this journal in 1958.  It consists primarily of English translations of articles and editorials that first appeared in official Chinese-language newspapers and magazines, although some extra content is occasionally provided.

Collins Library owns all issues of The Peking Review from volume one (1958) through volume 21 (1978).  Take a look at the catalog record to determine the format available for the dates that you need; you'll see that volumes from 1958 to 1966 are available in microfilm, while volumes from 1967 through 1978 are available in print. The Beijing Review (catalog record) is available in print format from 1979 to the present.

Both print and microfilm are located on the lower level of the library (see map).  Many of the issues have been digitized.

  • China Daily (international edition)--available through several library databases.
  • The Global Times (CCP/PRC government-affiliated publication).  Available through Newsbank World Access database; coverage is from 2009 to the present.
  • Global Voices Online.  Curates and translates news trends from international news, blogs, and social media.  May be an option for researching voices and opinions coming from within China, but not from the Party.
  • China Digital TimesA website based in Berkeley, California, this resource often translates official Chinese government pronouncements.
  • Many Chinese news sources are available on the internet, in both Chinese and in English.  Most of these online resources include coverage dating back only about a year or so.

 People's Daily English

 China Daily 

Note that this is the newspaper's website.  See the link above to access full text via library databases.

 China View (New China News Agency) -- Note that this is Chinese-language only.

 China Youth International

 CCTV English

CRI Online and CRI English

China Economic Net


Xinhua (official press agency of PRC)

American Viewpoints: U.S. Newspapers & Magazines

Be sure to match the date of your chosen trial to the date ranges of the databases you are searching!