There are several online resources to assist you with locating resources, with links to book making and design tutorials.
Artists’ Book LibGuide: This guide provides links to useful websites and several professional organizations associated with books
Makerspace LibGuide: In addition to providing information on equipment and hours, Check out the Make Something Link and find a variety of videos and paper related projects
Digital Image Collection of Artists’ Books: A browsing collection of images of the Collins Library Artists’ Book collection
Puget Sound Book Artists: This local organization supports the book arts. Students can join for free. Several videos of local artists’ studios and presentations are available. from the You Tube link on the landing page.
College Book Arts Association: A national organization that highlights other academic programs across the country and also offers stipends to members and students.
Guild of Book Workers: The Guild is a national organization that is known for fine binding. You can find lots of unique lessons on topics from eco printing to Islamic binding and pop-up books.: ards/2019_standards_chamlee_handout.pdf
o Girdle book:
North American Hand Papermakers:
There are countless outstanding sites that you can explore associated with the book arts. Below is a list of few popular sites:
Kit Davey: You can follow Kit on Instagram/Facebook. She offers really great easy to do projects that are good for beginners.
Bainbridge Island Museum of Art: The Museum sponsors short videos on artists’ books and works with many local artists to share their stories.
Travelling Bookbinder: This site focuses on the work and classes offered by Scottish artist and binder, Rachel Hazell.
There is a collection of books in our Studio space. These books are a gift from local artist Kathy Dickerson. You are welcome to browse or check them out. The books cover hand prining, book design, binding, card making and a whole range of inspirational projects.
We also have a number of handmade books that you can examine for inspiration. Just pop in the Studio during open hours and our book artists can help you!
Book Arts Newsletter: This newsletter is the most comprehensive resource for all events associated with book arts. It provides a listing of exhibitions, workshops and reviews on an international scale: