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History 200 (Professor Neighbors)


Links for in-class introduction for StoryMapJS:

StoryMapJS: StoryMap JS offers a simple user interface that enables you to plot specific locations, using Google Maps,  and to add text and audio-visual resources that contribute to geographical narratives.

Google Images Search:  You will need to find images that are free of copyright restrictions.  To do this with the Google image search, first run your search, then select "Tools," then "Usage Rights," then "Creative Commons licenses."  

Wikimedia Commons:  You may use media found through Wikimedia Commons, but do pay attention to the type of license.  Some are "use with attribution," which is always best practice, even if it is not required. Others are "use with attribute and same license."  This means that you will need to supply the attribution and also indicate what kind of license it has.



StoryMapJS Video Tutorial

You can find several tutorials for StoryMapJS on YouTube.  This one, by JMU Digital Communication Consulting, is thorough and up to date.

Tips for Your Group Project

  1. StoryMapJS requires a Google account. While you can experiment individually with StoryMap while learning the software, your group will need to create a Google account for this specific project, so that everyone in your group can access it and build it.  You will not be able to port slides you create in an individual account over to the group account; you will need to build or re-build all slides within the group account.
  2. Writing succinct annotations is hard!  You'll find yourself writing, revising and paring down, and rewriting, so give yourself enough time for that process to take place.
  3. Need help with writing annotations?  Here are two guides that you may find helpful: