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Greek, Latin, & Ancient Mediterranean Studies 211: Greek History

Evaluating Peer-Reviewed Articles

For an upcoming assignment in this class, you'll need to identify, read, analyze and review one scholarly (peer-reviewed) article on some aspect of ancient Greek history. For today's exercise, each table will choose one of the following articles:



At each table, read and discuss the chosen article, concentrating on these key elements:

  • Abstract (if available)
  • First paragraph (sometimes the second paragraph, too):  What does the author want to find out?  What is the research question the author is asking?
  • Evidence:  What are the primary sources the author uses?
  • Scholarly conversation:  What are the other scholarly works (secondary sources) the author uses?
  • Conclusion (typically the last paragraph):  How does the author tie the evidence together to answer the research question? What is the significance of this research?

Fill out the supplied worksheet on reviewing journal articles as a table and be prepared to discuss the process as a class.

Mind Map

Below is a mind map of research articles which illustrates the parts of an article, how the parts are related, and what questions you'll want to ask about each section. You can click on the image for a larger version.



Reading a Scholarly Article

For more information on reading for content, argument, analysis, and evaluation, consider these guides as well:

Chicago Style

The discipline of Classics typically uses Chicago style for citations:

Notes-Bibliography System (Humanities Style)