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EXSC 200: Introductory Research Methods

Key Database: PubMed

PubMed is your go-to source for searching the medical literature. Use the limits link to narrow your search by language, subject population, or topic subset. When looking at articles, be sure to check for the blue 'Check for full text' button to check for full-text access through Collins Library. 

Key Database: SPORTDiscus with Full Text


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Searching Tips

Use these tips and tricks to get the most focused yet comprehensive results on your topic:

Remember to search multiple keywords (like lactate threshold OR anaerobic threshold OR lactic acid) to get more results on your topic.


Add concepts to your search: use AND to narrow down your search (like anaerobic threshold AND intensity)


Use subject headings to target your search and find articles that are most relevant to you. PubMed will automatically attempt to search your keyword in the MeSH subject headings; use the 'Details' tab to investigate more and be sure the best subject heading is being used.


Use truncation symbols to search for multiple forms of a word. In PubMed, SportDiscus, and CINAHL, just add an asterisk (*) where you want the truncation to start. Search for running, runner, run, runs, by entering run*in the search box. 


Keep track of your strategies, so you don't forget how to find great resources!