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ENGL 330/431: Rise of the Novel

Finding Fiction in Collins Memorial Library

In this course, you are asked to find an author & novel whose historical period interests you. There are several ways to search the Collins' collection for fiction titles. 

Academic libraries use the Library of Congress system to classify and shelve books. In the LC system, fiction is shelved according to the author's country of origin and time period with literary criticisms and translations shelved with the novels. This means that that all the works by a particular author are going to be shelved together. It also means that any books written about an author are going to be shelved with books written by the author. 

See the examples below for ways to search Primo for fiction:

Browsing the Collection

Browsing the shelf can help you discover authors and titles you never knew existed! Fiction can be found in the Ps, on the 3rd and 4th floors of Collins Memorial Library. Here's a breakdown of some of the most common classification areas:

  • PN 3427- 3448 Fiction genres (including science fiction, romance, historical fiction, and mysteries)​
  • PR: English literature

PR1490-1799 Anglo-Saxon literature
PR1803-2165 Anglo-Norman period. Early English. Middle English
PR2199-3195 English renaissance (1500-1640)
PR3291-3785 17th and 18th centuries (1640-1770)
PR3991-5990 19th century, 1770/1800-1890/1900
PR6000-6049 1900-1960
PR6050-6076 1961-2000
PR6100-6126 2001-
PR8309-9680 Literature in English

  • PS: American literature

PS700-893 Colonial period (17th and 18th centuries)
PS991-(3390) 19th century
PS3500-3549 1900-1960
PS3550-3576 1961-2000
PS3600-3626 2001-
PS(8001-8599) Canadian literature

  • PZ Juvenile (and Young Adult) Literature

Searching by Author or Title

An author search can help focus your search results on books written by your favorite author, rather than about them.  Using the Advanced Search in PRIMO, change the filter to "Author/creator" and add the author's name.

You may also want to limit your search to the Collins Library "scope," to ensure that you are finding books that are currently in our collection.

Searching by Genre

A genre search is a great way to find your favorite type of fiction in the Collins' collection.

On the Advanced Search page, change the filter to "Genre" and then use a keyword that describes the type of fiction you are looking for -- e.g., "mystery," "science fiction," "fantasy" or "romance." 

Again, you may want to limit the scope of your search to Collins only.




Searching by Historical Period

Add descriptive terms to your search to further specify a historical period, such as "Victorian," or "World War"