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BIOL 360: Evolution

Citation Style: "Name-Year" from the journal Evolution

Citation Style

For this class, you will use a "Name-Year” citation style as used by the scientific journal Evolution.

Here are the instructions from the journal's author guidelines

"References should be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the manuscript. NOTE: Normally authors of cited works are denoted by last name and initials. However, in cases where two or more authors share the same last name and initials, they should be distinguished by inclusion of full names. The names of journals in the Literature Cited section must be abbreviated according to BIOSIS [note: you can find these approved abbreviations via the CASSI tool]. In-text references to papers by one or two authors should be in full; e.g., "(Able and Charles 1986)." If the number of authors exceeds two, they should always be abbreviated. e.g.: "(Frank et al. 1986)."

Examples of the Evolution reference style are given below:

Carlson, L. D., and M. Schmidt, eds. 1999. Global climatic change in the new millennium. 2nd ed. Vol. 1. The coming deluge. Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford, U.K.

IUCN, Conservation International, and NatureServe. 2004. Global amphibian assessment. Available at Accessed October 15, 2008.

Michaels., D. R., Jr., and V. Smirnov. 1999. Postglacial sea levels on the western Canadian continental shelf: revisiting Cope’s rule. Marine Geol. 125(Suppl.):1654-1669.

Michaels, D. R., and V. Smirnov. 2001. Postglacial sea levels on the western Canadian continental shelf: revisiting Cope’s rule. Marine Geol.: In press.

Sidlauskas, B. 2007. Data from: Testing for unequal rates of morphological diversification in the absence of a detailed phylogeny: a case study from characiform fishes. Dryad Digital Repository. doi:10.5061/dryad.20.

The basic format for citing electronic resources is: Author's Last Name, First initial. Title of data package (e.g., Data from “Article name”). Data Repository Name, Data identifier (or DOI), address/URL.

Note that if you use Zotero, you can add the Evolution journal style from the Zotero Style Repository. Have questions about how to do that? 

Evolution citation format examples from  Prof. Wimberger: 

Journal Article:  Hellberg, M.E., D.P. Balch and K. Roy. 2001.  Climate driven range-expansion and morphological evolution in a marine gastropod.  Science 292:1707-1710.  (If you access journal articles online you should include the doi and the date accessed.)

(Note:  The first author has last name first but subsequent authors have initials preceding last name although I won’t worry about that much. Only the first word of the journal article is capitalized unless it’s a proper noun. You can use accepted abbreviations for journal titles.  Only the volume number is listed after the journal name – not the issue)

Book:  Brooks, D. R. and D.A. McLennan. 1991. Phylogeny, Ecology, and Behavior: A Research Program in Comparative Biology.  University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL

Web Page:  Web pages are not generally used in either journal articles or grant proposals (why not?).  If you have to use a web page (and there are some reasons that you might), cite the URL author in the text and the year if you can find it, and the complete URL in the Literature Cited Section. 

Citation Help

You have lots of options for getting help with your writing, including citations! 

1) The Center for Writing, Learning and Teaching (CWLT), located in Howarth 109, offers students opportunities to get help on all aspects of the writing process.  Services include:

  • Writing Advisors who are selected through a rigorous application process and who are specially trained to help students get started on a paper, organize their thoughts, or improve their editing skills.
  • Peer Tutors in a wide range of subjects who are nominated by professors in their disciplines and who are specially trained to help students individually or in small groups.
  • Student Accessibilty & Accomodation offers help in arranging accommodations.

2) Got an IMMEDIATE citation question? Click the Ask a Librarian" button in the lower right hand corner of your screen to chat with a librarian and get help now!

3) Use a citation management tool like RefWorks or Zotero! 

  • Consult our Citation Tools Guide to learn more about different citation styles, and find out about the citation management software that you can use.