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BIOL 360: Evolution

Key Scientific Database: Biology Collection

Biology Collection is our broadest biology database, and is a great place to start your research! It includes Biological Sciences, Medline, Zoological Record, BioOne abstracts, and more. Includes both full text and abstract-only articles.Click here to search Biology Collection!

Additional Bio Databases

Browsing Journals for Inspiration

Click each link to be taken to the archive of recent issues for the journal (if you are taken to a page in the library catalog, click the link in the 'view it' box to be taken to the main journal page. 

Some journals aren't available through Collins library, but the publisher will provide open access to content published more than a year ago, as noted below. 

Finally, the following journals are also interesting journals to browse, but we do not have immediate full text access to the content. You can browse recent issues and read abstracts, but if you would like to read a full article, you may need to request it through Interlibrary Loan