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If you're interested in a broad topic in Religion or Ethics, or would like to browse for inspiration, try one of these Library of Congress call letters:
- BJ - Ethics
- BL - Religion (study of)
- BM - Judaism
- BP - Islam, Bahai, Theosophy
- BQ - Buddhism
- BR - Christianity
- BS - The Bible
- BT - Doctrinal theology
- BV - Practical theology
- BX - Christian denominations
- QH - Bioethics
- R724-R726 - Medical Ethics
- RC455 - Ethics in psychiatry
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Reviews in Religion and Theology aims to provide clearly written, constructive and prompt reviews of the vast range of publications in theology and religious studies, or that are of relevance to those interested in these fields (for example, in anthropology, cultural studies, history, literature or philosophy).
Collins Library provides online access to this publication from 2007 forward.