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CONN 375: The Art & Science of Color

Using Images

There are three types of images you can use in your presentations:

  • Images in the public domain. These have no copyright restrictions, so you can use them whenever and however you want.
  • Images with a license for use. These licenses typically allow you to reuse the image, but some may have additional restrictions, such as no modification, no commercial use, or attribution is required.
  • Images without a license for use. These are protected by copyright, so you'll need to argue that you're using "Fair Use", a copyright exception, in order to use the images. There's no clear cut right or wrong answers on whether your image is fair use, but you can learn some guidelines with the resources linked below. You can also email or book an appointment with one of us.

Public Domain Images

Images from these sources are in the public domain, can be modified, and do not require attribution.

Images with licenses

Images here can be reused, but their licenses may impose some restrictions.

Reusing Images Without a License - Fair Use