Search Primo for books (both print and ebooks) and media in Collins Library and other SUMMIT libraries:
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Be sure to sign in to Primo with your Puget Sound username and password to ensure access to ebooks, and to request services, including SUMMIT, local holds, and digitization requests for portions of a book.
For students, the due date for most Collins Library print books is the last day of the fall, spring, or summer terms.
Books requested from SUMMIT typically arrive in 3-5 business days and usually can be checked out for six weeks with one renewal.
Collins Library, like most academic libraries in the United States, uses Library of Congress Subject Headings to describe the content of books. In many ways, subject headings are a form of tagging, in that they represent the content of the material and provide ways for you to efficiently locate more materials that are conceptually related. Here is a sampling of relevant subject headings:
Children of prisoners -- United States
Criminal justice, administration of -- Moral and ethical aspects
Discrimination in criminal justice administration -- United States
Discrimination in juvenile justice administration -- United States
Discrimination in law enforcement -- United States
Imprisonment -- United States -- History
Prisoners -- Education (Higher) -- United States
Prison-Industrial complex -- United States
Prisons -- Design and construction
Women prisoners -- Abuse of -- United States
Women prisoners -- United States