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History 200: Doing History (Prof. Gomez)

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What's a Monograph?

A scholarly monograph:

  • Is a one-volume work
  • Gives in-depth treatment to a specialized subject
  • Is written by a scholar in the field
  • Is written mainly for an academic audience

How to identify a monograph written by a historian:

  • See where it is shelved in the Library of Congress system
    • Look for call letters that start with "D," "E," or "F." 
  • Look carefully at the "item details" tab in the catalog record.

Examples of scholarly monographs written by historians:

Book Reviews

By consulting book reviews of the scholarly works you are reading, you can gain a better understanding of the place of a particular work within the field.  Here are a few tips for locating book reviews:

  • Run a title search in Primo. Often the reviews of a book will turn up in the same search.
  • Search America: History and Life for reviews.
  • JSTOR: Run a title search and limit the results to "review."