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Book Arts: Browse Primo

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Using Primo

You can use Primo as a search tool to search for artists' books in our collection, as well as books about artists' books. There are a variety of key terms you can use in your search (see table to the right). The Z collection on the 4th floor of the Library holds a variety of books about book arts, printing, design, and history. For items not already owned by the Collins Library, Puget Sound students, faculty, and staff may request direct borrowing through the Orbis/Cascade Alliance. Members of the public are encouraged to contact their local public library and inquire about ILL services.

Browse the catalog by keyword and subject searching or artist name. Remember to limit your search to just the University of Puget Sound Library if you are looking for books located only in the Collins Library. Limiting your search to the Collins Library will help you find books that are currently available. To the right is a list of terms and phrases that you can use to find resources about book design and construction. 

Use these terms and phrases to identify useful materials. In addition, you can enter the name of an individual book artist. If you are using the WorldCat Catalog, the holdings of many regional libraries are also searched. Keep in mind that many of our peer institutions, such as University of Washington and Reed College, have wonderful book arts collections, as well.

The artists' books themselves are part of the Special Collections. If you locate an artist's book you would like to view, please consult Jane Carlin, Library Director, or email