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Music 222: Music of the World's Peoples

Free Music for Podcasts

Look for music licensed under Creative Commons. Here are some examples:

Free Music Archive:  Music available under a number of different licenses. Check the Artist/Album pages for license information.

Free Stock Music:  Royalty-free licensed music

Overview of Creative Commons licenses


Creative Commons Podcasting Legal Guide:  "The Good News:  Five Instances Where Permission is Not Required"

Creative Commons Podcasting Legal Guide:  "Fair Use Under Copyright Law and Its Application to Podcasts"

"Using copyrighted Music and Media in Your Podcast" 

"Trying to Understand Fair Use and Using Music in Podcasts"

Audacity's "Copyright Laws for Bloggers and Podcasters"

Streaming Audio

Note:  The music available via these streaming audio services cannot be used in your podcast. They are for listening/study purposes only. No download is permitted and you are not permitted to publish, broadcast, communicate, or redistribute materials from the services.

Music CDs

The library has a cd music collection located on the second floor between the two halves of the library, across from Special Collections & University Archives.

  1. Do a keyword search on your topic in Primo Search. You can search by performer, genre, or country.
  2. Refine your results by 'Resource Type' (on the right sidebar).
  3. Choose audio. If you don't see it on the list, click on 'Audio CDs.'