Public Scholarship can refer to diverse modes of creating and circulating knowledge for and with publics and communities. Public scholarship is defined as scholarly or creative activity that joins serious intellectual endeavor with a commitment to public practice and public consequence. Public scholarship bridges the gap between academic inquiry and citizen engagement. Its aim is to not only draw citizens into the conversation, but to also encourage their participation in co-creating knowledge.
This semester AfAm 399 will focus on documenting events that have occurred at Puget Sound during the 2019/2020 academic year that relate to issues of marginalized persons on campus. The Trail is not being printed this year, or at least all of fall semester ,and one of the important aspects of any university student paper is to document things that happen. Puget Sound has had major alterations in the fall semester and it is important that the public can have access to the information. We will create a digital newspaper—The Public.