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BIOL 404: Molecular Biology

Key Database: PubMed

PubMed is your go-to source for searching the medical literature. Bookmark this link to access PubMed:  

PubMed is available to anyone, but not all articles found through undefinedPubMed are openly accessible. By using this link, you will be shown a small blue and white 'Check for full text' button on article results pages which will connect you back to the University of Puget Sound to check for full-text access through Collins Library! Keep an eye out for that 'check for full text' button.

Searching Google Scholar

Google Scholar can be a powerful search tool. See the 'Broadening your Search' page for tips about using Google Scholar to do cited reference searching.

Searching for Articles in Databases

Searching Tips

  • Quotation Marks | AND vs OR | Truncation  - Make your searching more efficient!
  • Searching different fields - Abstract or title or keyword?
  • Limiting Your Search - Facets are your friend! Filter by year, by article type, by language, etc.
  • Adjusting your search terms - You may need to broaden or narrow!
  • Expanding your search as you go - Once you’ve found one good paper, you’ll want to use it to lead you to more! Who has this paper cited? Who is citing this paper?
  • Finding similar works by the same author - Scholars are experts: find the rest of their work!
  • Harvest search terms from the paper and its references - What are they looking at? What words do they use?