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Archives & Special Collections

Manuscript Collections

The A&SC contains over 100 manuscript collections, which are collections of personal or family papers. Our manuscript collections are composed of personal diaries, correspondence, photographs, newspaper clippings, and ephemera on topics ranging from Northwest politics, history, and logging operations to Methodist missions and travels in the Far East. Many of these collections have finding aids available via Archives West, which provides access to descriptions of primary sources in the western United States. You may search for specific finding aids on Archives West, or search all finding aids related to collections here at the University of Puget Sound. 

The following is a list of all of our manuscript collections. If there is a finding aid available, it is linked. If you do not see a finding aid for the collection you are interested in, please contact us for more information. 

Mss 001
Albert W. Bash papers

Mss 002
Blaine Family papers

Mss 003
Homer T. Bone papers

Mss 004
Henry Brown papers

Mss 005
John M. Canse pamphlet collection

Mss 006
John Coffee papers

Mss 008
Calvin Brewster Coulter, Jr. papers and lantern slides

Mss 009
Walter S. Davis papers

Mss 010
Benjamin A. Gould collection

Mss 011
Abby Williams Hill papers
Abby Williams Hill (digital collection)

Abby Williams Hill website

Mss 013
Stella Lilly papers

Mss 014
Mongolian Missions collection

Mss 015
Northwest Lumber Company photo album

Mss 016
Methodist Missions correspondence

Mss 017
Oregon Methodist Missions papers
Oregon Methodist Missions (digital collection)

Mss 018
John D. Regester collection on Albert Schweitzer

Mss 019
Lyle S. Shelmidine papers

Mss 020
Frank Williston papers

Mss 021
Warren Wood glass negatives, photographs and appointment notebooks

Mss 022
Leroy Ostransky papers

Mss 023
James Slater papers

Mss 024
University of Puget Sound Photograph Collection, 1888-1973
A Sound Past (digital collection)

Mss 025
John M. Finney Papers

Mss 026
Claire and Don Egge collection on China

Mss 027
Bills of Sale for Enslaved Persons

Mss 028
T.H. Callaway letter to James R. Callaway

Mss 029
Francis Wayland Hanawalt teaching notebooks

Mss 030
Civil Marriage Agreements

Mss 031
Eleanor E. Graham papers

Mss 032
Walter Lowrie papers

Mss 033
Doug Edwards papers

Mss 034
UPS Historical Materials and Miscellaneous Manuscripts

Mss 035
R. Franklin Thompson personal papers

Mss 036
Quarterly Returns...for forts on the western frontier...

Mss 037
Tom Goleeke papers

Mss 038
Vietnam Oral History Recordings

Mss 039
Ron Fields collection on Abby Williams Hill

Mss 040
Howard W. Robbins diary

Mss 041
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) pamphlets

Mss 042
Parade for Peace flyer

Mss 043
W. Houston Dougharty collection on the University of Puget Sound

Mss 044
University of Puget Sound Faculty Oral History Project

Mss 045
Calvin Brewster Coulter papers

Mss 046
Collection of small press printed materials

Mss 047
Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas records

Mss 048
Sally Fitzpatrick letters

Mss 049
Selective Service Registration broadside

Mss 050
Grafton Tyler Brown lithographed receipt

Mss 051
Tacoma Community House: A Social Settlement, by Georgina Rowland

Mss 052
Ray W. Thompson letter to his father 

Mss 053
J'Anna Sharrard papers

Mss 054
Ephemera (non-University of Puget Sound)

Mss 055
Lyle Ford Drushel papers

Mss 056
Murray Johnson collection on the Cape Thompson Environmental Impact Report

Mss 057
African American Communist Party pamphlets

Mss 058

Mss 059
Henry Wallace Webb papers

Mss 060
Sylvia Schar ephemera collection

Mss 061
St. Louis, Arkansas and Texas Railway ledger

Mss 062
Olive Brown Seward photographs

Mss 063
Privatized Detention: An Oral History of the Northwest Detention Center

Mss 064
Dr. James Slater photograph collection

Mss 065
Collins Library zine collection 

Mss 066
Ken & Rochelle Monner collection of Shereen LaPlantz book structures 

Mss 067
Tacoma Playing Cards

Mss 068
Collection of women's suffrage materials

Mss 069
The National Grange in Favour of Votes for Women pamphlet

Mss 070
What President Wilson Says pamphlet

Mss 071
Labor Heroines: Ten Women Who Led the STRUGGLE booklet

Mss 072
Civilian Exclusion Order posters

Mss 073
The Story of a Lynching: An Exploration of Southern Psychology booklet

Mss 074
Report of the Eleventh Annual Convention of the National Negro Business League booklet

Mss 075
Cleveland Murphy papers

Mss 076
Shereen (Buckland) LaPlantz papers

Mss 077
Olympia Book Arts Society collection

Mss 078
"From Slavery to 'Freedom'" NAACP broadside

Mss 079
COVID-19: Archive Your Experience project

Mss 080
Collection of independent Puget Sound student publications

Mss 081
"Speech Upon Abolishing Slavery in the District of Columbia"

Mss 082
Students for a Democratic Society leaflets

Mss 083
Radical Women Publications packet

Mss 084
Association for the Study of Negro Life and History (ASNLH) materials

Mss 085
America First Committee ephemera

Mss 086
Black Lives Matter calendars

Mss 087
"24 Portraits of Prominent African Americans" ephemera

Mss 088
Atomic Age ephemera

Mss 089
World War I posters

Mss 090
Deeds to Veterans

Mss 091
President Edward H. Todd scrapbook

Mss 092
A colonial-era summons

Mss 093
Race in the City of Destiny: Oral Histories of Tacoma

Mss 094
Collection of women's rights pamphlets

Mss 095
Trip to the West Coast scrapbook

Mss 096
Carol Lawrence costume collection

Mss 097
Chinese Reconciliation Project Foundation records

Mss 099
Jolafern Torgerson papers

Mss 100
Elizabeth Blackwell and Jane Webb Loudon print collection

Mss 102
Collection of United Methodist Church materials

Mss 103
Print materials on U.S. presidents

Mss 105
David G. LeSourd typescript of "An Itinerant's Career"

Mss 107
Virginia J. Washburn Morrison papers

Mss 108
Bill Baarsma collection on the University of Puget Sound

Mss 109
President Ronald R. Thomas manuscripts, "Detective Fiction and the Rise of Forensic Science"