Search Primo, or Early English Books Online, or HathiTrust for the primary source you have selected for Research Project II. You may find that your primary source is available in only one or in multiple formats. Here are some formats you may encounter:
a. Print or digital facsimile of the original edition in the original language.
Example: Jane Sharpe. The Midwives Book. The link in this Primo record will take you to a digital facsimile in Early English Books Online.
b. Print or digital facsimile of an early English translation of the source.
Example: Mead, Richard, 1673-1754, Thomas Stack, and Abū Bakr Muḥammad ibn Zakarīyā Rāzī. A Discourse On the Small Pox And Measles: to Which Is Annexed, A Treatise On the Same Diseases. 2d ed. London: Printed for J. Brindley, 1755. This digital facsimile contains the first English translation of Al-Razi's treatise.
C. Print or digital facsimile of the source with a modern scholarly translation into English, along with annotations and contextual essays.
Example: An Aztec Herbal: The Classic Codex of 1552.
c. Scholarly edition of the source (a scholar or group of scholars translate or update the language to modern English and provide annotations and context).
Example: Kepler. Mysterium cosmographicum. This scholarly edition is translated by A.M. Duncan, with additional contextual materials from two other scholars.
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