Primo is a library search tool for finding materials in the Collins Library and Summit libraries. You can search for books, selected articles and more in a single search box.
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1. Start with specific titles suggested in subject encyclopedia entries.
2. Identify the Library of Congress Subject Headings for that book to identify more books on the topic.
3. If required for your assignment, make sure that the book is scholarly.
4. To find the library location of a book's call number, check the library map.
5. To find eBooks, use the filters on the right to limit your results to eBooks (under "Resource Type")
Here are some clues to look for in the catalog record when you are evaluating whether a book is scholarly or popular:
When you have the book in hand, and still aren't sure if it is scholarly, you might want to do a little more digging, perhaps with a couple of quick Google searches:
A sampling of potentially relevant books is listed below.
Keep in mind - it is not usually necessary to read a book from cover to cover to engage with an author's argument. Instead, you may focus on a particular chapter or use the index to find parts most relevant to your needs.