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PHIL 333: Philosophy of Emotions

Choosing the Best Finding Aids

Selecting the best or most appropriate finding aid for identifying sources depends almost entirely on the context of your research project. There is no single database or web search interface that will work for every research context; instead, you'll need to match your specific research needs to a variety of options. 

  1. Start with the information provided in tertiary sources! Look up specific titles of books in Primo, or journal titles (not article titles) in Primo's Journal Search. Use the vocabulary in the subject encyclopedia entries as search terms in databases.
  2. Do an author search in Primo or a subject database. Which scholars are working on your topic? Many researchers will write about the same topic throughout their career. Searching by an author's name may help you gather additional information.
  3. Mine the bibliographies and footnotes in other secondary sources. You may find one secondary source that is not quite right for your project; however, it may cite another scholarly source that would be just right!
  4. When searching Primo or a database, pay attention to the subject headings in your results. You can use the vocabulary or click to do a new search for that heading. You'll be surprised at what you discover this way! 
  5. Select the best sources, not just the most convenient sources. This may mean requesting a book from SUMMIT and/or an article from Tipasa, both of which take about two to five days to arrive.

Search Primo

Search Collins+Summit+Articles

Searching for Books

Use Primo to find resources on your topic at Collins Library and beyond. You will have plenty of time to request materials via Summit or ILL for your project, so start early!

  • When you find an item that seems relevant, look at its subject terms to find similar items. To do this, check the "Item Details" and simply click on one of the subject headings listed in the record for the book; the next screen will list all the books that share this subject term.
  • To find the library location of a print book's call number, check the library map. Click the link for ebooks.

Moral Psychology of Emotions Series

The Moral Psychology of Admiration

By exploring the moral psychology of admiration the volume examines the nature of this emotion, how it relates to other emotions such as wonder, envy and pride and what role admiration plays in our moral lives.

The Moral Psychology of Amusement

This volume offers twelve essays from leading and emerging scholars that explore the moral quagmire that is the emotion of amusement. It is a collection that considers the moral psychology of amusement from a range of perspectives, going as far back as ancient Chinese and Greek philosophy up to the most current psychological and sociological findings.

The Moral Psychology of Anger

This collection provides an inclusive view of anger from a variety of philosophical perspectives.

The Moral Psychology of Boredom

In this volume, world-renowned researchers come together to explore a neglected but crucially important aspect of boredom: its relationship to morality.

The Moral Psychology of Compassion

The contributors to this volume draw on a variety of disciplines and methods in order to develop a more systematic and comprehensive understanding of this often-neglected moral emotion.

The Moral Psychology of Contempt

Introducing original work by philosophers and psychologists, this volume addresses empirical questions concerning contempt's emotional, cognitive, and behavioral signature.

The Moral Psychology of Curiosity

This original volume sees contemporary philosophers and psychologists examining the nature and value of curiosity, shedding light on some of its most interesting features and exploring its role in human experience.

The Moral Psychology of Disgust

In this volume, experts in the field come together to explore fundamental questions about the role that disgust plays (and ought to play) in our moral lives. This book features twelve new essays, nestled comfortably at the intersection of psychology and philosophy.

The Moral Psychology of Envy

The book explores the role of envy in society and its nature as a social emotion that is deeply concerned with both the self and others. It examines envy's morally problematic aspects but also its aspirations, its effects, and its manifestations in a variety of contexts both personal and political.

The Moral Psychology of Forgiveness

The book gathers together a diverse assembly of authors with publication and expertise in forgiveness, while centering the work of new voices in the field and pursuing new lines of inquiry grounded in empirical literature.

The Moral Psychology of Gratitude

This volume provides readers with the state-of-the-art in research on gratitude. It does so in the form of sixteen never-before published articles on the emotion by leading voices in philosophy and the sciences of the mind.

The Moral Psychology of Guilt

In this volume, philosophers and psychologists come together to think more systematically about the nature and value of guilt. 

The Moral Psychology of Hate

Provides the first systematic introduction to the moral psychology of hate compiling specially commissioned essays by an international team of scholars with a wide range of disciplinary orientations.

The Moral Psychology of Hope

The contributions in this volume, written by leading scholars in the philosophy of hope, gives a systematic overview over the philosophical history of hope, about contemporary debates and about the role of hope in our collective life.

The Moral Psychology of Love

This volume explores the moral dimensions of love through the lenses of political philosophy, psychology, and neuroscience. It attempts to discern how various social norms affect our experience and understanding of love, how love relates to other affective states such as emotions and desires, and how love influences and is influenced by reason.

The Moral Psychology of Pride

This edited collection of original essays examines pride from a variety of perspectives in philosophy, psychology, sociology and anthropology.

The Moral Psychology of Regret

While regret has been somewhat under-theorized as a subject worthy of serious and careful attention, this volume is offered with the intent of expanding the discourse on regret as an emotion of great moral significance that underwrites how we understand ourselves and each other.

The Moral Psychology of Sadness

This volume presents sadness as not merely a feeling or affect, but an emotion of great moral significance that in important ways underwrites how we understand ourselves and each other.

Featured Books

Search Tips

Use Advanced Search and limit features whenever possible. Subset limits, date limits, subject searches, etc., are all useful time savers. These tips can be used across different databases.

  • Start with a general search.
  • Avoid long phrases.
  • Use AND to find all the words (distinct concepts) on your topic.
  • Use OR to find any of the words (synonyms or related concepts) on your topic.
  • The symbol * is used as a right hand truncation character in most databases; it will find all forms of a word.
  • Use quotation marks '' '' to search for an entire phrase
  • Be flexible in your searching.

Featured Journals

Philosophy Databases

These subject databases may be especially useful for your research project in this class.

Additional Databases

If your topic has been approached from other disciplinary frameworks, you may wish to familiarize yourself with that scholarly literature, with the aim of showing how a philosophical approach can add to our understanding of the issues. Use the library's subject guides to explore more options.

Google Scholar Cited Reference Search

Google Scholar can help you find articles which have cited an article that you have found. Frequent citation is often (but not always!) a marker for a particularly influential scholarly work.

Step 1: When looking at search results, check for the 'Cited by X' link underneath each result. That will tell you how many subsequent articles (that Google Scholar is aware of) have cited this particular article or book.

Step 2: Click that link, and you will be taken to a new set of results, all of which have cited the original article, which will still be listed at the top of the page. 

Google Scholar Search

Tipasa: Interlibrary Loan

If your article is not available at Collins Library, you've got another option for getting it. Use Tipasa, our interlibrary loan service.

Tipasa is linked to your library account so you'll need to log in to use it.

Once you are logged in, either go directly to Tipasa and manually enter the information, or, if you're using a database, look for a shortcut link to automatically fill out the form:

Interlibrary Loan Link

Allow at least a week for the article to come. If your article is delivered in electronic format, you'll receive an email with a link to follow as soon as it's arrived.

Book Reviews

By consulting book reviews of the scholarly works you are reading, you can gain a better understanding of the place of a particular work within the field.  Here are a few tips for locating book reviews:

  • Check to see when your book was published. If it was published more than twenty years ago, and you aren't finding reviews online, you may need to look beyond online sources and check print indexes.
  • If you're having trouble finding a review, check with a librarian for help and to cover all your bases, but remember that some books are never reviewed. If that's the case, think about what that might mean about the book's scholarly importance.
  • In many databases, you can specifically limit your search results to just reviews.

For philosophy books, start with the resources below and branch out as needed.