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Books in Primo are assigned Library of Congress Subject Headings. In many ways, subject headings are a form of tagging, in that they represent the content of the material and provide ways for you to efficiently locate more materials that are conceptually related.
Here are several examples of the various ways you can use LCSH to help pinpoint what you need:
By consulting book reviews of the scholarly works you are reading, you can gain a better understanding of the place of a particular work within the field. Here are a few tips for locating book reviews:
For philosophy books, start with the resources below and branch out as needed.
Search by the title of the book, or by the author of the review and a keyword from the title. Remember to limit your results to just reviews if available.
An interdisciplinary journal archive. It includes archives of over one thousand leading academic journals across the humanities, social sciences, and sciences, as well as select monographs and other materials valuable for academic work. Includes the Artstor image collections.