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History 400: Research Seminar

History Databases

There are several databases from which to choose when you are seeking scholarly work.  Most databases for historians focus on a particular geographical and/or chronological period.  Always make sure that you've selected the most appropriate database to search!

Interdisciplinary Research

If your research question has been approached from other disciplinary frameworks, you may wish to familiarize yourself with that scholarly literature, with the aim of showing how a historian's approach can add to our understanding of the issues.  Use the Research by Subject pages to explore more options.

E-Journal Collections

These e-journal collections provide access to many journals in the field of History, but they are more limited in coverage compared to subject databases.  In most cases, it's better to search subject databases to identify articles.  However, if you are seeking interdisciplinary perspectives, these collections can be good options.

Book Reviews

By consulting book reviews of the scholarly works you are reading, you can gain a better understanding of the place of a particular work within the field.  Here are a few tips for locating book reviews:

  • America: History and Life

  • Select the "Advanced Search" option.
  • Type (in quotation marks) the title of the book for which you seek reviews.
  • Under the limiter options, select "book review" in the "Document Type" category.

  • Select the "advanced search" option.
  • Type (in quotation marks) the title of the book for which you seek reviews.
  • Under the limiter options, select "review" in the "Type" category.