Search Collins+Summit+Articles
When you are searching for books in Primo, try these strategies:
1. Start with specific titles suggested in subject encyclopedia entries.
2. Identify the Library of Congress Subject Headings for that book to identify more books on the topic.
3. If required for your assignment, make sure that the book is scholarly.
**To find eBooks, use the filters on the right to limit your results to eBooks (under "Resource Type")
Summit Borrowing allows you to get books from the other libraries that belong to the same consortium of academic libraries in the Pacific Northwest. Instead of just one library, it's like you've got 39! Books take 3-5 working days to arrive, at which point they will be held for you at the circulation desk for one week, where you can pick them up with your ID card. You may keep Summit books for 12 weeks with one renewal. You can see your Summit requests by clicking the 'My Account' link when logged in to Primo.
To request an item, click the "Request Item from SUMMIT' link, then enter any comments or request a specific volume if need be, and then click 'request,' as seen below: