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Greek, Latin, & Ancient Mediterranean Studies

Call Numbers for GLAM

Scholarly books on topics in Classics, as well as primary sources, can be found in several places in the library.

  • B 108-708: Ancient Philosophy
  • BD: Speculative Philosophy
  • CB: History of Civilization
  • CC: Archaeology
  • CE 21-46: Ancient Calendars
  • CN 120-740: Ancient, Greek and Latin Inscriptions
  • D 51-95: Ancient History
  • DE 1-100: History of the Greco-Roman world
  • DF 10-289: Ancient Greece
  • DG11-365:  Ancient Italy. Rome to 476
  • JC 51-93: Political Theory - Ancient state
  • DF: History of Greece
  • DG: History of Italy
  • PA: Classical languages and literature

Locations of books

  • New books are located in the Library lobby and are in call number order.
  • Print Reference books are on the first floor across from the Learning Commons area.
  • Book stacks: The Bs, Cs, and Ds (single letter D) are in the basement; DA-DZs (double letters), Js,  are on the second floor; Ps are on the third floor

How to Read a Call Number

If you've never had to find a specific book in a college library before, the task can seem rather daunting at first.  The University of Arkansas Libraries created a very helpful two-and-half minute video tutorial on how to read and interpret Library of Congress Call numbers.  If you have any questions about finding materials that you need, please do not hesitate to ask any Collins Library staff member--we're here to help!

Bryn Mawr Classical Review

Using Library of Congress Subject Headings

Collins Library, like most academic libraries in the United States, uses Library of Congress Subject Headings to describe the content of books.  If you are researching an author about whom much has been written, you can use Library of Congress Subject subheadings to help pinpoint your search.
Here are several examples of various ways of narrowing your search for books on Homer and his works:

Homer -- Characters -- Hector

Homer -- Characters -- Penelope

Homer -- Characters -- Women

Homer -- Criticism and Interpretation.

Homer -- Iliad.

Homer -- Iliad -- Criticism, textual.

Homer -- Language.

Homer -- Odyssey.

Homer -- Political and social views.

GLAM Films

Collins Library has a collection of GLAM-related cinema on DVD and through streaming video platforms. You can also request DVDs from SUMMIT and other libraries via ILL.

Search by the film's title, by the author/creator, or do a keyword search on your topic in Primo to see which films are available.