Citation styles vary depending on the discipline of the course you're in. A commonly used citation style in Exercise Science is the American Psychological Association (APA) style. Be sure to always check with your professor about which citation guide you should use! Below are some oline resources and book that can help you manage your citations.
The Center for Writing & Learning (CWL), located in Howarth 109, offers students opportunities to get help on all aspects of the writing process. Services include:
Sound Writing is the official writing handbook on campus, written by student writing advisors and specifically tailored to the needs of Puget Sound students and their faculty.
In addition to supporting the development of successful academic writing skills, Sound Writing also includes sections on research methods, writing in the disciplines, and more.
Sound Writing provides help with three citation styles: MLA, APA, and Chicago (notes & bibliography).
Current Edition: 2020
APA Formatting and Style Guide from the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)
APA Style Site from the American Psychological Association, along with some free tutorials.
Citations are key to participating in the scholarly community. They are a way to converse with other scholars, but they also:
Consult Citation Tools to learn more about different citation styles. Collins Library also supports two knowledge management tools: RefWorks and Zotero.