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MLA International Bibliography

The MLA International Bibliography is the key database for identifying scholarly books, essays, articles, and dissertations on modern (i.e., not ancient or Classical) literature. MLAIB and the other resources listed on this page can help you find important, timely, and authoritative critical discussions and appraisals of an author, text, or literary issue. Scholarly work in the following areas is indexed:

  • Literature in all languages, and from all areas of the world
  • Folklore
  • Linguistics
  • Literary theory and criticism
  • Teaching of writing at the college level
  • Dramatic arts (theatre, radio, film, television)
  • History of printing and publishing
  • Other areas and disciplines as they intersect with literature and language studies


Featured Resources

The Explicator

Databases for Historical & Cultural Scholarship

E-Journal Collections

These e-journal collections provide access to many journals in the field of English Studies, but they are more limited in scope and coverage compared to a subject database like the MLA International Bibliography.  In most cases, it's better to search subject databases to identify articles, and then search the journal title in Primo to link to the materials in these e-journal collections.  However, if you are doing interdisciplinary research, JSTOR and Project Muse can be excellent databases to search because of their multidisciplinary focus.

Tipasa: Interlibrary Loan

If your article is not available at Collins Library, you've got another option for getting it. Use Tipasa, our interlibrary loan service.

Tipasa is linked to your library account so you'll need to log in to use it.

Once you are logged in, either go directly to Tipasa and manually enter the information, or, if you're using a database, look for a shortcut link to automatically fill out the form:

Interlibrary Loan Link

Allow at least a week for the article to come. If your article is delivered in electronic format, you'll receive an email with a link to follow as soon as it's arrived.