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BIOE 272: Public Health Ethics

Key Databases

Due to the interdisciplinary nature of bioethics, you'll likely need to search multiple subject databases.

Finding News Articles

Key Bioethics Journals

The links below will take you to the Primo catalog page for each journal.  Click on the "View it" tab to connect to online access tools or to find the location in Collins Library.  This is NOT a comprehensive list, but rather, a selection of the most well-known scholarly journals devoted to bioethical themes.

Search Terms

You'll need to use a variety of search terms within databases, depending on your focus and topic.  Some examples are listed below, but you also may wish to consult the Bioethics Thesaurus currently maintained by The Bioethics Research Library at Georgetown University.

Advance care planning
Advance directives
Animal rights
Animal testing
Assisted suicide
Clinical ethics
Code of ethics
Ethical review
Gene therapy
Genetic engineering
Human experimentation
Informed consent

Medical ethics
Organ transplant
Patient rights
Public health