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Zotero (2021)

About Zotero

What Zotero Does

Zotero (pronounced "zoh-TAIR-oh") is a free, open source citation management tool that that helps your collect, manage, and cite your research sources. It's easy to use, and is completely free.  Zotero allows you to attach PDFs, notes and images to your citations, organize them into collections for different projects, and create bibliographies. It automatically updates itself periodically to work with new online sources and new bibliographic styles.

Visit to install the software, and then check out the "Quick Start Guide"  to learn how to get up and running with Zotero today. 

Installing Zotero

You can go to  to download this free citation manager. Note that it is a TWO STEP process to download Zotero. You must first download the app (1), and then download the browser extension for the browser you want to use (2). The browser that you are using to install Zotero should be automatically detected. Zotero recommends using Chrome or Firefox; Edge is also supported. Safari is no longer recommended by Zotero, although there is a beta version of a connector available.