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Faculty Guide to Artstor: Teaching Resources


Ideas, Training, and Help

Teaching with Primary Source Materials

The Library of Congress has a great guide to using primary source materials in teaching. Read their recommendations on engaging students, promoting student inquiry, and assessing how students apply critical thinking and analysis skills to primary sources here:

Artstor Training

Check the schedule below and sign up for our webinars "Teaching Resources: The Artstor Digital Library for Instructors" and "Making the Most of Your Presentations: Artstor Digital Library Resources for Teaching and Presenting" to learn more about features of Artstor's platform that are useful in teaching.

Contact Lori for a training session

The Artstor Blog

Learn how other educators are using images in teaching:​

Mailing List

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Overview of Artstor's Teaching Resources

Artstor's Teaching Resources Image Collections

Artstor makes available a number of resources for faculty in the Digital Library, including:

Curriculum Guides: Groups of images for specialized seminar courses selected by scholars and broken into thematic chapters. Subjects are interdisciplinary, ranging from Philosophy to Latin American Studies. Read more below.

Surveys: Image groups centered on periodic and thematic surveys of art history. Each group includes the iconic monuments of the period based on an analysis of the images in the standard art history texts, thereby providing a basic teaching tool. Twenty additional groups are built around the curricula of Social Studies and Humanities, including subjects like Anthropology, the History of Medicine and Natural Science, and Women’s Studies. Read more below.

Case Studies: An eclectic, interdisciplinary mix of image groups ranging from Art Therapy to Climate Control in the Middle East prepared by scholars in the field. Read more below.

Curriculum Guides

Curriculum Guides

Curriculum Guides offer selected images for teaching curated by experts in their field. Each guide includes a course syllabus outlining topics and themes, a set of images for each theme, and a description of how the images can be used in that course. Topics include:

Go to Teaching Resources > Curriculum Guides to see more.

If you are accessing the above links from off-campus, you need a registered Artstor Account to gain access. Learn more about registered accounts in this video.

Artstor works directly with faculty to create these guides. Interested in contributing images for a course you teach? Contact to learn more.



Artstor's Surveys cover many topics, including periods, cultures, and themes in art and social studies and the humanities. These image groups provide 100 suggested images for each area of focus, and are a great place to get started looking for images. Some examples include:

Go to Teaching Resources > Surveys to see more.

Case Studies

Case Studies

These useful and inspirational case studies showcase how educators are using Artstor Digital Library images in research and teaching.

Go to Teaching Resources > Case Studies to see more.

Teaching Resources - Also Helpful

Also helpful:

AP® Art History: images centering on the monuments included in the established curriculum, with additional images providing thematic and contextual support. The new AP Art History Curriculum is culturally diverse, thus these groups offer a global view of art history and also include a robust number of contemporary works.This material is adaptable for undergraduate Art History surveys since it incorporates most of the seminal monuments included in introductory college art history courses.

AP® European History: images supporting the curriculum (1450-present).

AP® US History: images supporting the curriculum (1491-present).


Thanks to Artstor for this guide's content.