Books in Primo are assigned Library of Congress Subject Headings. In many ways, subject headings are a form of tagging, in that they represent the content of the material and provide ways for you to efficiently locate more materials that are conceptually related.
Library of Congress Subject Headings are also quite useful for discovering primary sources. The following subheadings usually are added to indicate that the material is a primary source: sources, personal narratives, correspondence, diaries, manuscripts, or notebooks. Once you've discovered the subject heading for secondary sources, try adding one of the primary source subheadings to see what you find. Here are some examples:
Secondary source subject heading: Apartheid -- South Africa -- History
Primary source subject heading: Apartheid -- South Africa -- History -- Sources
When you know the author of the texts you are seeking, simply do an author search in Primo Advanced Search. Note that for very common names, you may need to provide additional information: