Because it's such an interdisciplinary field, books on science, technology, and society are scattered throughout the library's collection. Whenever you find a book of interest, be sure to browse around in the area you found it for more possible sources.
You will find many books on science, technology, and society on the fourth floor with call numbers that begin with the letter 'Q'. Another strategy is to brows the first section of the call numbers that stand for the scientific discipline you're interested in (QC for physics, QD for chemistry, etc).
Locations of books
Avoid general newspaper reviews and personal book reviews, like those on blogs or on These can't help you analyze your book like a scholar. Two tips for finding book review:
To find more scholarly book reviews from the last twenty years or so, first try searching your book title in Primo Search, which can return book reviews along with information about the book itself. Check the icons to look for 'reviews' or 'articles' which include the title of the book.
Then try one of the databases below. Search by the title of the book, or by the author of the review and a keyword from the title.
For older books, you will need to use print indexes to book reviews. At Collins, try the following print resources, all found in the library's Reference section.