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Sound Ideas

Guide for Faculty interested in Puget Sound's Institutional Repositiory

Submission Process

Faculty members can submit their work directly to Sound Ideas by following this link. First-time users will have to create an account. Returning users who have difficulty signing in  shoudl reset their passwords.

Faculty members should be prepared with metadata related to the submission including:

  • Authors
  • The submission's title
  • Other citation information including name of journal or conference (if applicable)
  • The abstract (up to 250 words)
  • A list of keywords (10 maximum)
  • A citation for your submission in your preferred style
  • The electronic format of your file, or hyperlink to your file, if any

The ability to post journal articles depends on the terms agreed to at the time of submission, and publisher policy. Some journals allow for immediate posting of the published version of an article on institutional repositories, while others require a delay or posting of a pre- or post-published version of the article, and still others prohibit any kind of posting on repositories.

A more in depth discussion of licenses is available in our Scholarly Communications Guide.

Why Post Faculty Work to Sound Ideas?

Why would a faculty member want to post their work to an institutional repository like Sound Ideas?

Discoverability: Posting your work on an open access institutional repository allows for more people to find your work using using open web search engines (like Google, Bing, etc.) in addition to scholarly databases.

Visibility: Posting to an institutional repository removes paywall obstacles allows for full, open access to scholarly works. This allows for easier access through non-traditional routes of scholarly communication including increasingly important social media platforms.

Readership: The combination of discoverability and visibility leads to increased leadership, and the potential for increased scholarly impact.